
All Pro Plan features with additional exhaustive data completeness and accuracy checks required for PCAOB audit compliance

Plus C-Suite executive summary slides


Reference Features Pro
1 Executive summary – 9 metrics trend $999
1 Executive summary map $1,499
1 SOD Summary with suggested mitigating controls $999
2 Admin Conflicts by User $999
3 Permission Conflicts within Same Role $999
4 Permission Conflicts in Same User with Same Role $1,499
5 Permission Conflicts for Same User with Multiple Roles $1,499
6 Comparison of Conflicts in Same User with Same Role to Previous Diagnostic $999
7 Comparison of Conflicts for Same User with Multiple Roles to Previous Diagnostic $999
8 Exhibit A – Input data of usernames and roles $199
9 Exhibit B – Input data of system roles and permissions $199
10 Exhibit C – List of permissions analyzed $299
11 Exhibit D – Output data of users, their roles and conflicts $299
12 Exhibit E – Verify Completeness of Permissions analyzed from source data to output data $299
13 Exhibit F – Verify Completeness of Roles analyzed from source data to output data $299
14 Exhibit G – Verify Completeness of Usernames analyzed from source data to output data $299
15 Exhibit H – Verify Accuracy of Usernames, Roles, Permissions data output to data input $299
16 Exhibit I – Verify Completeness of IPE (information produced by entity) Original System Report/td> $299
17 Exhibit J – Verify Accuracy of IPE (information produced by entity) Original System Report $299
18 Exhibit K – Verify Integrity of IPE (information produced by entity) Original System Report $299
19 Validation $0
20 Considerations and Exclusion $0